There is sufficient evidence to prove that education is a prerequisite for reducing poverty, improving health care and creating a committed society.  In particular access to early learning is crucial as it is the foundation of all learning. It is every child’s right to expect an education in life but unfortunately in low-income countries more than 80% of children do not have access to early education.  Our aim is to give children the best start on the path through life by creating and further developing early educational programmes. This means that children will then be ready to start school enabling them to enjoy a happy childhood.

We believe in the potential of all people and do everything possible to empower them to improve their situation on their own. We allow them to make their own decisions regarding building projects and hiring of local labour and materials.  We are here in an advisory capacity.  As a learning institution we seek the advice of experts in the field including the Lusaka Education Department.

A Child Protection Policy is in place at the school and every child is aware of their rights.  All staff agree to the latest CPP and Child Safe Code of Conduct and sign an agreement.  Regular trainings are conducted by the Child Protection Officer with parents and children regarding their rights.

Construction of a Multi-Purpose Hall

The Multi-purpose school hall is used for various activities such as for formal gatherings involving all pupils, staff meetings and youth seminars.



The New toilets afford the pupils a clean environment and facility thus promoting and prevention of possible diseases.

Landscaping of school premises

The land scaping has contributed to a safe environment for pupils and staff, as unsafe dugouts were filled and covered.

Feeding Program

The feeding program which has continued is catering for 49 pupils thereby contributing to children’s health and class performance.

Purchase of Materials

Tools for gardening are a motivation to the school production unit. Local church donated 5 bags of cement to the project.

Electrifying of Manager's house

Electrifying of the Manager’s House means that there is access to electricity. This has made computer related work and printing for the School much easier. Access to lighting for the School and the Managers house has also enhanced security.

Installation of Security Gate

Construction and installation of a gate has improved security for the school. The children feel safer and people no longer walk on and through the property.

Visual Artwork

Visual Artworks on the School walls are an added teaching aid to the pupils. It also adds colour and interest for the children. Other schools have this artwork on their buildings.

the humble start of our classrooms

Laying the Foundation Block of the new Classrooms. A parent gives thanks for what we are doing for their children.


The drilling of a Water Bore on their land has not only benefited the school but also the surrounding community as there is a challenge of clean water supply.

The children of New Start Christian Academy have been moved several times since we began this project due mainly to the fact that landlords wanted to move back into their dwellings.  Therefore we decided it was time to secure a property so they would never have to move again. In 2016 we raised sufficient funds to purchase a block of land on which to build a school and a house for the Project Manager.  We continued to raise funds to begin to build.

Later that year, on my visit to Lusaka very excited parents, children, teachers and visitors gathered to officially declare open the new land purchased for New Start Christian Academy. It was such a privilege to represent the sponsors and supporters who helped make this all happen. These people are so grateful.  One can see the difference it makes. Owning something like this makes them feel much more secure and confident.

Their vision and enthusiasm has intensified and given them fresh hope for their future. This land will always remain the property of NSCA.  The school will educate the disadvantaged children of the community.  All NSCA teachers have now been university educated and are very enthusiastic about providing a good education for their students.

We continue to make wonderful progress at the school. Not only have we provided the structures but we are building stability, providing precious education, nutritional food for health and well-being and hope for a better future for approximately 65 children and adults in Lusaka. Our programme educates the children and teachers but also assists their families as well. How inspiring!

One can see the difference in their lives, you can hear it in their voices and we are well on our way to ensuring these precious people become self sustainable.

The community have pride in their school and take very good care of the property. It is always clean and well maintained. Everyone participates in keeping it that way. The children are taught not to drop their rubbish on the ground; if they do they are sent back to pick it up. The teachers see it as helping to change the future generation. Wonderful to see!